Friday, December 3, 2010


These are the winners of the Thanksgiving giveaways.  The winners were picked randomly.

Good Reads:  Paula Osbourne 
Blog Giveaway:  Carla Bruns 

Your books are on the way!


Thank you for your interest in the giveaway, 
and sharing what you were thankful for on Thanksgiving.

Here are some of the replies:

I'm thankful for a wonderful family...especially that my daugher and her husband my granddaughters are going to be able to join us both Thursday and Friday! - C. Bruns

I am thankful my family is healthy, and that they live close by to share the holidays together - V. Wurgler

My family and my man who loves me unconditional - J. Mathis

I am thankful to be alive. I had some bad heart and blood pressure problems this past year....a year today. - L. Kish

My health! - Amanda

Waking up every morning...and celebrating each day. - Karen K.